Monday, March 30, 2015

"Traveling is Learning" - Kenyan Proverb

I have been blessed with the opportunity to see many places in this world, both close to home and far away. However, the first time I travelled to Africa I ended up learning so much more than I could have ever expected. I learned about the world, yes, but I learned a wealth about myself - who I was and who I wanted to become. What kind of mother I wanted to be- what kind of woman I wanted to be remembered as...

Volunteers are an integral and very vital aspect of who Tabibu Africa Inc is and how we run. Each year we take volunteers on our expeditions to assist with education, medical care, and construction projects; and each year we learn as a group, as individuals, and as an organization.  We learn, and we grow. 

Are you interested in learning with us? Apply to become a volunteer and see what Africa teaches you in your life. Click this link to learn more! 

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