Friday, March 27, 2015

The Gift of Opportunity

A message from one of our student sponsors:

Roughly a year ago, my kids and I signed on to be sponsors of a student at Little Giants School in Ruiru, Kenya, East Africa. What a great decision! When I told my kids that we were going to “adopt” a boy from Kenya so he could attend school, my little eight-year-old son could not be more excited. His response went something like this, “Really, Mom?! We get to have a BROTHER?! I’ve always wanted a BROTHER!” Needless to say, we had a little expectation reset and education that our “adopted” student wasn’t actually going to come live with us, but that we were going to be his key to the future—the reason he would be given the gift of opportunity. And, really, in life the gift of opportunity is literally life-changing.

We now sponsor a 9-year-old boy named Lewis. Lewis’ mother works 2 jobs to pay for her Lewis’ basic needs. Once she was released from her second job, she would go to Little Giants and mop all the floors by hand in trade for Lewis’ tuition. Hearing this, I just knew we needed to help her and Lewis. I believe that any mother who is willing to work that hard to pay for their child’s education deserves a helping hand. So, we happily sponsored Lewis.

Sponsoring a student with Little Giants is very easy. It is an investment of $155 per year. This pays for the student’s tuition for a year, a uniform (In Africa all children who attend school are required to wear a uniform. For many kids, this inhibits their ability to attend and, therefore, restricts them from getting an education at all.), a medical screening, and a meal each day. The meal is very important too—the poverty in Kenya is unlike anything you could imagine. While I haven’t actually been to Kenya, I have a very amazing mother who has and I’m telling you that seeing photos of children atop garbage piles scrounging for food is an image I won’t ever forget.

In return for your sponsorship, you will receive a letter from Little Giants (affiliated with Tabibu Africa, a US-based humanitarian organization) and a photo of your child. Our little Lewis’ photo hangs on our fridge and my kids ask about him daily. You will receive communication from your child two times a year. For us, the Christmas card was a real highlight!
It gives me a great sense of pride knowing that we are helping someone else in need; and, it gives my kids a perspective about how much they have and the opportunities they have been given. There are many Little Giants Students who need sponsorships. As if everything I’ve told you isn’t enough, a Little Giants sponsorship is also a tax deduction—good for you and good for your sponsored kiddo! I would love to see each student have a sponsorship. Imagine the difference we could make!

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