Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Building a Room to Read

It is hard to grasp how big a million really is.  The number has become a part of our everyday speech; we give a million thanks, we have a million things to do, some make a million dollars, or make a million excuses.  But how big is a million.  A million seconds make up eleven and half days, a million hours ago we were in 1896 and a there are a million children in Kenya who do not attend school, nor can they read.

Tabibu Africa believes that education is the great equalizer in the world, and books are at the foundation of a strong educational system. For many children in Kenya, the gift of books truly is a gift of hope.  Sadly most Kenyan children who attend school have never owned a book of their own or had the luxury of these educational necessities.

Currently, Tabibu Africa, is working with Little Giants School to build a “room to read” for the education and enjoyment of all children in the community.  It is our goal to help create a culture of literacy and provide the tools of empowerment for the next generation of parents, teachers, and children. Access to an education as well as a library is one of the opportunities young people have to end the cycle of poverty and attain a better quality of life than previous generations.

It is our hope that the library will be place that will not only create a love of reading, but will offer and inspire an interest in great things.  We are excited to see children line up outside, who are excited to look through and read, yet again, the same book they read yesterday.   Tabibu finds great value in a quote by Dr. Seuss— “The more that you read, the more thing you will know, the more that you learn,the more place you will go.”


  1. I really like the idea of establishing a community library! How are you providing the books? Are you accepting donations of books? Monies to buy the books? Thanks.

  2. Hello Kristi! When our teams fly over we are able to each take two 50 pound duffel bags. So a group of ten can take over 1000 pounds of supplies! We load up our duffel bags and carry on back packs full of supplies that we can't get there in East Africa; books, certain medical supplies, school supplies, hygiene kits, and other donated materials. We can purchase books there which is nice because books weigh a lot! However, I must admit that we do get better books here in the USA.
    We do accept books as donations as well as funds to purchase books. It works for us either way and is so much needed. You can mail to our Tennessee office at:
    Tabibu Africa, Inc
    PO BOX 597
    Westmoreland, TN 37186

    if you're local in Salt Lake City or Goshen Utah, or in Mid-Tennessee you can drop off or we can even pick up. We're happy either way!
    Thank you for your question and please don't hesitate to keep the questions and/or idea's coming!

  3. Thank you so much for your response!
