Thursday, March 12, 2015

River Blindness—A miserable life.

Imagine not being able to sleep because you itch to the extreme of using a hot poker to relief the misery. That is what 18 million people who suffer from River Blindness, or Onchocerciasis, live with daily and Africa harbors 99% of cases.  River Blindness, is spread through small black flies that breed in fast-flowing, highly oxygenated waters. Waters where mothers often bathe children and fetch water. When an infected fly bites a person, it drops worm larvae in the skin, which can then grow and reproduce in the body.  Unlike malaria, river blindness is not fatal, but it causes a "miserable life," Though there is no vaccine for river blindness, however, a drug, called Ivermectin can paralyze and kill the offspring of adult worms. 

 Unfortunately, for patients who lose all sight, blindness is irreversible because the optic nerve is damaged thus causing blindness.. Tabibu Africa has a great interest in preventing debilitating blindness in those who are vulnerable to the disease. At annual free clinics in Kenya, we treat those affected in the first stage as well as provide preventative care.  For 45 cents per year a person's sight can be saved.



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