Monday, March 2, 2015

Empowerment & Sanitary Napkins

Millions of girls and young women in Sub-Saharan Africa are dis-empowered by the simple biological process of menstruation.  Affordable and hygienic sanitary protection are not available to girls in many areas of East Africa.  They resort to the use of unhygienic rags, cotton, cloth, and other materials which puts them at risk for infection.  Most girls either skip school when they have their periods or simply drop out completely.

Missing 5-8 days of school per month makes keeping up near impossible. A survey of menstruating girls in Kenya found that “the biggest numbers of school dropouts are girls because of inconveniences during their menstrual periods.”. To us, this is unacceptable.

Educated girls are more likely to become empowered women. They are more likely to take control of their lives, have economic security, and raise fewer and healthier children who will in turn be more likely to be educated themselves. Simply, the cycle of poverty can end when both girls and boys are educated.

The solution?  Reusable sanitary pads.  Reusable sanitary pads are a sustainable resource, allowing the girls to wash and reuse them rather than having to buy disposable pads every month.  In addition, they are comparatively inexpensive and environmentally friendly.  The social benefit of the implementation of this concept can greatly mitigate the disadvantages and challenges many disempowered girls endure during their process of maturing.

One of the programs that Tabibu Africa, Inc offers is a "know your body" maturation & empowerment program. Girls and young women join in a week long class all about them; maturation, changes, how to stand up for your self, making and keeping goals, hygiene, and how to stay healthy. Along with this workshop we also teach each young lady how to make their own sanitary napkin kits; complete with fabric, absorbent washable fabric, needle & thread, 2-3 sets of under garments, and patterns so they can make more. In addition we then offer a small workshop to those interested in entrepreneurship by making their production of reusable & eco-friendly sanitary napkins into a business.

The result? Girls are educated and empowered with knowledge and wisdom. They are armed with the tools they need to embrace the gift of womanhood. They go forward to get the education they need to make true positive changes in their families, communities, and the world around them.

These kits and education supplies are made from donations from people like you. We are always in need of fabric (linen, absorbent fabric) thread, needles, sew on snaps, girls and young women's under-garments) and financial support for teaching supplies. We can only bring this successful program to the young ladies who need it the very most because of you!

For more information on how you can help or donate to help us complete these kits  please contact us or donate now.

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