Wednesday, April 15, 2015

There's No Place Like Home

Dorothy, a young girl wearing glittery red shoes once proclaimed, "There's no place like home--there's no place like home."  Tabibu Africa could not agree more.  One's home is a gift, a place of affection, safety and comfort that brings harmony to your soul in just thinking of it.  A home is hard to come by, but well worth the effort to create.  Each Maasai women creates her own haven, an Inkajijik, ( Maasai for house) a small loaf-shaped huts made of mud, sticks, grass and cow dung.  Often the construction of a Inkajijik takes several months and each woman adds her special touch.  Making her house a home for herself and her children. 

Women throughout the world agree, there are two gifts that we all should give our children; one is roots and the other is wings. The only way to do this is by creating  and maintaining a sense of home throughout their development.  Maasai women are masters of both gifts for children.

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