Sunday, April 5, 2015

Little Hands Making Big Differences

Our logo, the acacia tree comprised of multi-colored hands, is symbolic of our motto- "Little Hands Making Big Differences". 

As winter continues to melt away to spring I can't help but think of new life, new opportunities, new chances to make a difference. It is often said that one person can make a difference, that one person can initiate a ripple of change- it just takes one action. 

At Tabibu Africa Inc we believe that each and every one of us can make a difference in the lives of others - regardless of where we live on this beautiful planet of ours. One act of kindness towards anyone can create a ripple effect felt far beyond what we thought possible. 

So, as we enter into the season of change and new life the question is not how can you make a difference, but how WILL you make a difference. Your hands may be small but you can make a big difference. 

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