Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Little Giants; the Dream into Reality

In 2005 a man started a journey. This also happens to be the same year that I met George Njenga, the man I call ndugu (brother). I'm so happy that both of our paths have come to travel upon the same road. 

George is also the Kenya Director for Tabibu Africa, Inc and we lean on him for everything. I met him in February of 2006 and we immediately became close friends. When Tabibu Africa, Inc was born we couldn't think of anyone better for the job of In-Country Director than George. Even though this is a non-paying position and is on a 100% volunteer basis George didn't hesitate to say yes!

George then let us know his dream and how proud he was that it was finally coming to fruition. It had been George's dream for as long as he could remember to open a school for all children and to make it as cost effective as possible. George understood the value of education and what happens when you don't have it. He lived through a childhood where education had to be fought for and cherished, never handed out, as it still is today in Kenya and other developing countries. He had witnessed too many children turned away from school because of their lack to pay tuition or even because they were HIV positive. George wanted change and he wanted education to not be just a dream for many. He understood what education did for him and his goal is to pay it forward. So he started working and dreaming then worked more.

In 2005 George had saved up enough money to purchase a 1/2 acre of land in the small town of Ruiru, Kenya. Then he started building brick by brick, literally. He would save up enough money for one brick, buy it and take it to the land and place it. Then again, as he saved up enough for another brick...

In 2012, seven years after the first brick was placed, Little Giants opened it's doors to 8 students. Most could not pay tuition and one student was HIV positive. George didn't turn them away. He said that he knew God would provide. George then presented Tabibu Africa, Inc with his school, with his story, the history, and his goal. We absolutely fell in love with his work, the school, and everything it stood for. We immediately jumped on board to do what we could to help out and become partners now not just with Tabibu Africa, Inc but also the Little Giants School.

The summer of 2013 Tabibu Africa, Inc and a team of volunteers headed to Ruiru, Kenya and built on two more school rooms. A medical clinic was also offered for the students and their families for basic medical care and screenings. In 2014 we returned again and supplied a room with a reading table, chairs, and shelves for George's next dream for the school, a library.  You can read about Maureens Corner here. 

The Little Giants School now has 56 students with 11 of those students sponsored by people like you! For only $155.00 USD per year (less than $13 per month) can provide a student with tuition, quality education, a school uniform (required in Kenya), medical screenings one to two times per year, and one meal per school day. You can be a hero for the Little Giants School! For more information please click here or email:

Asante sana! (Thank you much!)

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