Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A Good Life

There are so many characterizations of "a good life"

     Financial stability—

Shall we squander and waste? Or give freely to those in need?
From dust we came and dust we will return—checking account are of no value after life.

     Traveling the world—

 Shall we lounge and linger? Or generously give our time to help our fellow man? After all, we are one family. 

     Material possessions—
Shall we have closets of clothes and belongings we rarely use? Or live a simple life.  A simple life of obedience can lead to more happiness than one can ever imagine, and the more you bless others, your blessings will in turn multiply by unimaginable proportions!

It is often said that the poorest people financially are often the happiest –and yet the most generous.  Generosity brought to a new meaning—a true meaning.

Everyone has their own thoughts about a good life, what is yours?



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