Saturday, April 4, 2015

Mobile Medical Clinics

In Kenya, including those living on the Maasai Mara, there are thousands of people living in impoverished or remote areas with little or no health care.  When they are sick or hurt they must travel long distances to the nearest clinic or hospital, often times walking many miles and sometimes even carrying a child on their backs.  As well as encountering dangerous animals in an effort to reach help.
Everyone deserves basic health care. That is why Tabibu Africa offers mobile clinics to help fight illnesses, diseases and injuries in the most remote areas of Arica. Our mobile clinics deliver health care to people who are too ill to come to us. So, with our vision to help people live productive, healthy lives, we go to them. 

In the last two years Tabibu treated over 800 Kenyans in our mobile clinics. This wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for the generous support of our donors.  As we travel back to Kenya this summer, our donors truly make a difference—please help us empower people to achieve good health.

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