Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Be Independent, Be Bold, Be You!!

How many times in life have we started going along with the crowd and then gotten a little tug in our stomach or a twinge in our hearts? Do you stop and listen to your body when it gives you those signs? What is it trying to tell you? Most often than not it's a sign that you are engaging in or thinking of performing something that, ultimately, goes against the grain of your true self. 

It's not always easy to stop and take time to listen to those internal signs, or to stop and meditate on what they might be saying to us, but in the long run if we stop and listen we end up truly empowering ourselves and honoring our needs deep down to our cores. 

We must remember that like a drop in the ocean, our actions send ripples out into the world. What are your ripples sending out? Is it a chain reaction of good energy that coincides with your true self or is it a mixed message full of incongruities? 

Let's all support each other in being bold, being independent thinkers, and to stay true to you! 
Asante Sana Rafikis! 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Tuesday Thoughts from the President

Tuesday Thoughts from the President of Tabibu Africa, Inc.

The word of the week this week is "peace". This small five letter word encompasses everything we strive for at Tabibu Africa, Inc. Peace, freedom from disturbance and chaos. Peace, to be surrounded with quiet and tranquility.

So much is happening, not just in our home country of the United States of America but also in the world. It’s so easy to get caught up and swept away by the negativity, atrocities, fear, and horror but I urge you to stop for a moment. Just stop, close your eyes, and take a deep breath. Put your hand on your chest. Feel your heartbeat. Feel your breath. Center yourself and find your own peace.

Did you know that if two or more people hold still long enough while holding hands a phenomenon called interpersonal synchronization occurs? Your breathing and heart rate slow or speed up to match those of the persons around you. Is this a trick? Is it coincidence? I believe interpersonal synchronization occurs because we all come from, and are made up of, energy and when we truly connect, whether physically or mentally, our energy flows through and communicates with other human energy. Because we are made up of energy we function best when we are connected; human connection.

Human connection. Energy doesn’t understand borders or obey rules of invisible lines, colors, races, or distance. Energy ebbs and flows according to the laws of nature. So in this time of extreme trial, change, and uncertainty, please stop. Slow down. Close your eyes, put your hand on your chest, and feel your heartbeat. Feel your breath. Slow down and know that you are a part of the miraculous energy of humanity and everything will come to balance. Protect your own peace in the meantime.

I would also like to take this time to make an official statement regarding our support of human life, compassion, and humanitarian aid. Tabibu Africa, Inc is an organization built on humanitarianism and we support all that embodies that term. The very definition of humanitarianism is “the promotion of human welfare” and it leaves no room for racism or discrimination in any form. Human connection is the very foundation of what we’ve built our organization on and we will never waiver.

So in this time of trial please know that we are with you. We will stand up beside you and will continue the work no matter how chaotic the world is around us. Little hands making big differences.

Asante sana,

Jody Mattena - President of Tabibu Africa, Inc.
“Tabibu” “Naretisho”

Thursday, June 21, 2018

The "Peaces" of you

Peace is the beauty of life...Isn't that the truth? However ,peace can be different for everyone. Peace can even be different for you from one moment to the next! 

For some it might be relaxing alone in the park enjoying the sounds of nature. For others it might be feeling the pounding of the music and being surrounded by people at a night club. There is no wrong or right, just what is right for you. 

What is peace to you? How are you sabotaging your plans for peace? How are you creating them?

This weekend, take time for your peace...and enjoy.  

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Asante Sana for helping us Explore, Research, and Evolve!

This quote really spoke to me this week as Tabibu Africa is unfolding it's wings as an organization and exploring options, researching ideas, and evolving to meet the needs of the people we serve. We are so excited about these new courses and trainings we plan to offer and all of our new partnerships and volunteer opportunities!

We want to take this time, as we reflect on our past and look towards our future, and thank you for your on going support. Tabibu Africa would be nothing without our supporters like you! Thank you for helping us be able to do the work we strive to do!
Asante Sana!!

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Little Hands Making Big Differences: Kent

Meet Kent! Tabibu Africa Inc's youngest volunteer so far! Mr. Kent came to Kenya with his family, but before they came he had an idea of his own. Kent gathered up soccer balls to bring and give out to the students at the schools we visited. At the time he thought "it is something easy, that I can definitely do to help out" Little did he know it would be a great lesson. Kent was amazed at how excited all the students were, exclaiming "They were all really good, most kids didn't have shoes and they could out play me!" 
Kent later said that the experience really helped him break out of his shell and taught him gratitude, and instilled a desire to make a difference in this world. He bonded very quickly with a student named Louis. Every day Louis would go home and teach the rest of his siblings what he had learned that day, because he was the only one who could go to school.
Not every child gets to go to school, that was a tough pill to swallow for Kent, however with your help Rafikis we are able to give more children an opportunity! Thank you for your support, and for helping us make a difference one little hand, or one mind, at a time.
Asante Sana! 

Friday, June 1, 2018

How can our hands make bigger differences?

This year Tabibu Africa has revamped our mission statement and created a new strategic plan to really refocus our organization and how we can make the biggest difference with our humble hands! (You can find the strategic plan on our blog here 👍) What do you think Rafiki?

A few board members are traveling to Kenya this fall to get some boots on the ground and do research with our team members in-country in order to determine how to best implement our strategic plan for the biggest impact in improving health and wellness for those we serve. Our fist motive for the trip is to strengthen our relationship with our fabulous in-country partners Candlelight Primary School and the Peak Academy Schools.  Our second motive for this trip is to gather knowledge from Maasai elders on their medicine so we can more fully incorporate it into our new courses.

Tabibu Africa is so incredibly excited for this opportunity and we couldn't wait to share it with you!!

Our question to you is what do you want to see us do? Where do you want to go with us Rafiki?