Saturday, May 26, 2018

Strategic Plan 2018

                Tabibu Africa, Inc Strategic Plan 2018

Tabibu Africa Inc.’s vision.

What do we stand for?

-          Bringing access to health care to parts that would otherwise go without.

-          Provide education on health and welfare issues.

-          Empowering people to believe in themselves and their abilities. 

What do we wish to accomplish?

-          Build communities that are empowered, healthy, and self-sufficient.

What are our responsibilities as an organization?

-          Be medically responsible within our scopes of practice, while providing quality care within our means and abilities.

-          Be ethically responsible in building and empowering those we serve in order to leave a self-sufficient community behind.

What segment of the population do we wish to cater to and work with?

-          The rural, and under served, areas of Kenya and Eastern Africa with an emphasis on women and children.

How do we wish to be viewed – both in the United States and Kenya?

-          Compassionate, informative, and humble

What type of growth do we want to experience?

-          Mobile clinics with increased emphasis on education and empowerment. A method for helping villages understand health and be self-sufficient.

OUR NEW MISSION STATEMENT: Our mission is to educate and train the under served people of Eastern Africa by empowering them with knowledge and skills to improve overall health and wellness through classes, workshops, and medical clinics while maintaining medically and ethically responsible conduct.

What are our opportunities for growth?

-          Course Development

o   First Aid

o   Health and Wellness

-          Fundraising and Donor Support

o   Social Media

o   E-Newsletter

o   Donor Data Management

Pinpoint threats to the success of your strategic plan.

What are our threats?

-          Time restraints: We are all volunteers too, all with very busy lives

List factors necessary to success.


What are our financial goals?

-          Generate enough funds to provide and sustain basic first aid kits and supplies, course and education materials and resources.

-          Generate enough funds to provide possibly discounted travel to board members and to compensate in-country director appropriately for time volunteered to the organization.

What do we need to do to accomplish this?

-          Reach $5,000-10,000 a year through fundraising, donor gifts, grants and sponsors.

How can we make this happen?

-          Have quality Donor Data Collection and Management

-          Generate donor loyalty and continued giving

-          Increase fundraising efforts

-          Write for grants and sponsors that fit our goals

Customer Relations

How do we encourage good customer relations?

-          Maintain totally transparent and open communication with our donors, supporters, partners, and those we serve.

What do we need to do to accomplish this?

-          Maintain current methods

How can we make this happen?

-          Maintain current methods

Operational Methods

What are our operational methods/goals?

-          Create and strengthen an organization that maintains our mission

-          Generate effective, sustainable, and repeatable courses and workshops

What do we need to do to accomplish this?

-          Keep our mission in mind with any new projects or requests to ensure organizations ability to maintain quality care and services within our means.

-          Create courses and lesson plans along with resources and references for villages to keep after the classes

How can we make this happen?

-          Ensure all board members are in on discussions and decisions regarding major projects and undertakings

-          Reinstate medical committee to help with classes and references.

Organizational Members

How does our organization maintain members?

-          Ongoing expression of gratitude and frequent and open communication via social media and emails to our donors, loyal supporters, partners, and sponsors.

What do we need to do to accomplish this?

-          Grow social media following

-          Start sending out e-newsletters

How can we make this happen?

-          Learn and utilize social media in a more effective manner

-          Build a marketing strategy/plan

Develop a strategy for accomplishing each success factor.

 Outline for accomplishing financial goals:

-          Establish our own “Annual Day of Giving” to occur in August (our birth month)

o   Sign up for Snowball to allow for text to give and ample donor data management and ease of “Day of Giving” and Virtual Battle of the Bands. 

o   Set the date and set amount to raise goal

§  Maybe Friday August 3rd

§  $5,000 

o   Create social media posts and write blog posts to publish leading up to the event date highlighting the organization- where in the world is Ayo 

-          Write Grants and Sponsor Letters

o   Look into Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Grant opportunities

o   Write letters to bookstores (chains and local) to see if they would donate to the Community Library Project.

o   Write letter to printing shops to see they would donate their services to printing and binding educational material for courses and reference material.

-          Establish an Annual fundraiser to occur in February 

Outline for accomplishing customer relations goals:

-          Continue to communicate openly on social media (FB, IG)

-          E-newsletter 

o   Quarterly

§  July, October, January, April

Outline for accomplishing operational method goals:

-          Generate course and workshop outlines and reference material

Outline accomplishing customer relations goals:

-          Generate a marketing strategy

Prioritize your strategies according to viability and growth goals.

1.       Quarterly E-Newsletter

a.       Medical, Education, Empowerment Updates

b.       Highlight Organization/Volunteer

c.       President’s Letter

2.       Generate Marketing and Fundraising Strategy

a.       Marketing Strategy

b.       Fundraising and Grant Writing

3.       Annual Day of Giving Fundraiser

4.       Generate course material and lesson plans

a.       Call medical committee to meeting in July

b.       Board Approval of lessons during December Meeting

5.       Annual Fundraiser

6.       Ongoing communication via social media and blog

Friday, May 18, 2018

Little Hands Making Big Differences: Sarah

" From my own experience, I want to say that you should follow your heart, and the mind will follow you. Believe in yourself, and you will create miracles" - Kailash Satyarhi

As we focus on the word believe this week it seems only fitting to highlight our volunteer Sarah! She went on our maiden voyage after Tabibu Africa was founded, and has proven to be a huge team player and a big believer in going for her dreams! She recently graduated nursing school and passed the licensing exam to become a Registered Nurse. Congratulations Sarah!! 

When asked what her experiences with Tabibu Africa taught her she stated: "(It) has taught me how much we can truly do with education and patience." The desire of the people we serve to learn about health and wellness is definitely inspiring, and as Sarah stated "always brings it back home" She went on to make a statement that I think really brings home Tabibu Africa's motto of little hands making big differences saying "I can't always give financially, but I don't always think that money makes the biggest difference. It is the time spent teaching, engaging, laughing, listening, learning, being present, and truly being involved in helping individuals or specific populations. We all have something to offer one another"

Yes, Sarah is completely correct! We all do have something to offer one another! Sarah truly is an inspiration and we are honored that she chose, and continues to choose to support Tabibu Africa Inc. We would be nothing without the support of donors like all of you and volunteers like Sarah!

Asante Sana rafikis for making Tabibu Africa's dream of "Little Hands Making Big Differences" a reality!  

Friday, May 11, 2018

Little Hands Making Big Differences: Our Mission

In the spirit with the word of the week now is a perfect time to update all our wonderful supporters that Tabibu Africa has improved it's mission statement! Change is good and we at Tabibu Africa felt like we wanted to revamp our mission statement to match our ongoing vision as an organization. So without further ado here is our new mission statement! 

 Our mission is to educate and train the underserved people of Eastern Africa by empowering them with knowledge and skills to improve overall health and wellness through classes, workshops, and medical clinics while maintaining medically and ethically responsible conduct.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Little Hands Making Big Differences: Kay

Meet Kay!
She has been a volunteer with Tabibu Africa since we were founded in 2012! Since then she has grown into an absolutely beautifully strong woman, inside and out, with a very powerful story. After surviving 3 separate instances of sexual assault and rape and years of battling with the feelings those experiences brought about; she was able to harness her inner strength and use her pain to blossom. Her transformation from self-doubt and low self-esteem to an empowered woman who knew her strength and worth sparked a desire in her to help other girls and women know more about the fluidity of consent and that they are the masters of their own bodies. It is this spark that brought about a wonderful empowerment course that Tabibu Africa gives to girls and women during our expeditions. It is such an awakening experience to witness the girls open up throughout the course and to hear them yell at the top of their lungs that they are strong, they are powerful, they are worth it by the end of it. 

Kay was inspired to volunteer with Tabibu Africa because her mother inspired her, through her own work in Africa. Kay even remembers after her mother's first trip to Africa,upon her return, that she promised to take Kay with her next time, and she was true to her word. Now, volunteering together is a family affair! During the 2015 expedition the whole family joined us! Our President, Jody, is that same mother who inspired Kay to reach for the stars and believe in her dreams.

When asked what her volunteer work has taught her she replied that if she had to sum it up it has "taught me to love humanity unconditionally and that there is no boundary to the beautiful variances human culture can take. It also taught me that the more love you put out into the world you’ll get that love back ten-fold." She also stated that 
"Day to day I can’t help but think about all the girls I taught. All the girls I taught to say “no” and “I am a woman, and I am strong”. I think of that every time I need to remind myself to stay strong, because lord knows if they can believe that in themselves then so can I."

Kay is an excellent example of little hands making big differences in our world, and that no matter what you are beautiful, strong, and worth it. Empower yourself and you can empower the world.