Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Did you know...

According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) in partnership with WHO (World Health Organization) diarrheal diseases accounted for 7% of deaths in Kenya in 2006, making it number 3 in the top 10 causes for death in Kenya.

Gastrointestinal parasites, or worms, is a major cause of diarrhea in Eastern Africa. The main cause of parasites being contaminated water supply and inadequate education on hygiene and the spread of infection. Parasitic worms lead to dehydration, malnutrition, and even death.

Treatment for  gastrointestinal parasites or worms is simple. One dose of de-worm is often all it takes to cure an infection. However, due to lack of clean water supply, hygiene, and drought,  reinfection often occurs within weeks.

Tabibu Africa Inc. educates the individuals in villages of Eastern Africa on hygiene, how infections are spread, and techniques for obtaining clean water for drinking and first aid. Through our volunteer clinics we also offer the medication necessary to rid the patient of gastrointestinal worms.

Did you know? 
The treatment of and education on gastrointestinal parasites for one patient only costs approximately $1. Only $1(U.S.) Dollar! To donate to Tabibu Africa's efforts in alleviating the burden of diarrheal disease in Eastern Africa visit the donation section of our website (

Visit our website at for the most up to date information Tabibu Africa Inc. and to view numerous other ways to help!

Asante Sana Rafiki's (Thank you very much, friends)


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Little Giants may now take a seat!

During our upcoming 2013 expedition the volunteers of Tabibu Africa Inc. will volunteer their time and energy at a primary school located in Nairobi. While working at the Little Giants School we will be assisting with building a new classroom as well as providing education to the students on personal hygiene, maturation, and self empowerment.

We received an email from the dean of the school requesting funds for chairs and desks for their students. Prior to this donation students were learning all day on the floor, with nothing to write on. However, because of donations and support Tabibu Africa was able to provide desks and chairs for all the students! Talk about helping the children of the future!

Thank you for your support in our efforts to empower the impoverished of Eastern Africa. Check out our website at to find out more ways to donate and support Tabibu Africa Inc. 

Asante Sana Rafikis!!