Thursday, November 2, 2017

Happy "Look for Circles" Day!

"Life is a full circle, widening until it joins the circle motions of the infinite." - Anais Nin

We all know that our lives are a circle, but it's hard to remember that a life has many circles during it's complete cycle. Like the earth spinning as it makes it's orbit around the sun we have our days and our nights, the good and the bad, and they all are necessary to complete our path, our orbit in this life. It is other circles still that help us get through those dark nights and to share the joy of the sun filled days.
We have our circles of friends, family, acquaintances, strangers. Every person that touches our life leaves an imprint, effects our circles. Life is full of lessons, circles, and cycles....
Today, on "Look for Circles" Day lets find out circles- big, small, good, bad and let's send ripples throughout our circles and give some good back to the world. 

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