Friday, January 26, 2018


Compassion (noun): sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.

So, compassion could be looked at as essentially the sensing or feeling of another individuals pain and sharing in that pain; ultimately in the hopes of lessening the burden or suffering for others. Compassion can come in many varying forms and degrees; from a listening ear or shoulder to cry on to speaking out, advocating for others who have less of a voice. From a simple smile to a letter to kind words...compassion is everywhere and no amount is "too little".

Too often in the world today do we hear stories of fear, hatred, and violence; indeed they spread like wildfire. However, just as often- if not more- there are stories of love, compassion, and peace. They just don't tend to travel quite as fast, nor as far. Let's change that! What acts of compassion, big and small, have you all witnessed or performed recently? Remember we all have the ability to impact the lives of those around us, near and far. We all are little hands making big differences.

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