Saturday, April 11, 2015

Nkoilale's Big 5

Nkoilale’s Big 5

There is a village of Maasai in the Rift Valley called Nkoilale. They saw a problem and they came together as a community to solve it. With strong leadership and a common goal they are making huge leaps and bounds for the benefit of their community.

Disease, malnutrition, water contaminated with cholera and Typhoid, lack of health care and lack of quality schools close by were their main issues. The community came together and came up with a plan, starting with an organization called The Nkoilale Community Development Organization (NCDO).  Then they molded their plan of the “Big 5”:

1-     Water (provide clean water to as many as possible in the community)
2-     Education (provide education for all children, no matter age or gender)
3-     Health Care(provide quality and affordable health care within close proximity)
4-     Security (safety for the community)
5-     Sanitation (take care of litter issue as well as possible sources of water contamination)

The Nkoilale Community wanted their home to go from what you see on the left to what you see on the right.

In order to make this plan a reality each head of household sold one cow (The Maasai’s entire wealth revolves around their cattle. To sell a cow is a huge commitment and sacrifice) and they soon had enough to build a main boarding school (now has over 1000 students) with several feeder schools, an up to date Health Center (the first of its kind in the Rift Valley) and a huge water project. The NCDO were able to cap a large, clean spring and ran a water line to a central point in town. There are also several water hydrants along the water line which provides fresh, clean water to the community as whole and surrounding communities.
I am absolutely amazed by what this community has been able to accomplish with some cows and the vision and drive of good leadership. They saw a problem and solved it on their own.
It is truly an honor to be able to work with this community, not just as the vice-president of Tabibu Africa, Inc but as an adopted member to the Nkoilale family.  I can say, without a doubt, that this community will be a great example to other communities for decades to come of what great vision, leadership, and focus for the common good can do. 

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