Monday, April 13, 2015

7 Billion

There is approximately 7 Billion people on planet Earth. 

Out of those 7 Billion people, 805 million people do not have enough to eat. One out of nine people in the world do not have enough food just for the minimum daily caloric input needed to survive. 98% of the world's undernourished people live in developing countries.

Sub-Sahara Africa holds approximately 214 million malnourished or undernourished people. Undernourishment is the cause for 45% of deaths in children under the age of five. 
3.1 million children each year die from malnourishment. 
8,500 children die every day simply because they do not have food to eat. 

66 million primary school-age children attend classes hungry across the developing world with 23 million in just Africa alone. 

Every 10 seconds a child dies from hunger-related disease

Tabibu Africa, Inc believes that this is simply unacceptable. Through our education, saniation, hygiene, and empowerment programs we aim to help those in these impoverished area's to overcome their poverty and feed their families. With both schools that Tabibu Africa, Inc sponsor's no child will leave school hungry. They also are given 1-2 medical screenings per year along with an excellent education. These children will then go on to make positive change happen within their communities and the cycle of poverty and hunger will decrease with each generation. 

We can speed this process of necessary positive change up with help from you. Because of donors like you we can go into these impoverished villages and spread this movement of change. 
No more children need to go hungry. No more mothers need to choose which child is fed for the day. We can stop this cycle now. 

Asante Sana

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