Friday, August 3, 2018

Tabibu Africa's Goals for creating an EMPOWERING future!


As stated in our newly revised Strategic Plan Tabibu Africa Inc is striving to empower people to believe in themselves and their abilities. We hope to achieve this by maintaining ethically responsible practices that help build and empower those we serve in order to leave a self-sufficient community behind.

As an organization one of our biggest passions is empowering the people we serve. To host an empowerment course or self-sufficiency training and see the lights shine from the people we serve is the greatest blessing. To be able to inspire greatness and that thirst for knowledge and empowerment is truly one of the most rewarding things about the work we do. It truly embodies our motto of 'little hands making big differences'. We may each have only two hands, but working together to lift each other up, we have many, and that makes all the difference in the world. 

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