Saturday, August 18, 2018

Clinics, Education, and Trainings: The multi-facets of Tabibu Africa's Medical branch

Tabibu Africa Inc is revamping their medical branch. We will continue to hold community clinics and provide wellness checks on the students enrolled in our partner schools, but we want to focus on ways to truly empower those we serve to manage their health and wellness. We strive to better the lives of those we serve by providing the knowledge and skills they may need to maintain a healthy lifestyle as access to health care is greatly limited to most of the population we meet.

Good health and good sense are great blessings and Tabibu Africa Inc is working towards an all inclusive training course on hygiene, germs, first aid, and general health and wellness for the mind, body, and spirit as a means of ensuring those we serve are able to have all these blessings in their lives and the lives of their families.

With your support we are able to continue striving to make a difference as "Little Hands Making Big Differences" Asante Sana Rafikis. 

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