Friday, May 18, 2018

Little Hands Making Big Differences: Sarah

" From my own experience, I want to say that you should follow your heart, and the mind will follow you. Believe in yourself, and you will create miracles" - Kailash Satyarhi

As we focus on the word believe this week it seems only fitting to highlight our volunteer Sarah! She went on our maiden voyage after Tabibu Africa was founded, and has proven to be a huge team player and a big believer in going for her dreams! She recently graduated nursing school and passed the licensing exam to become a Registered Nurse. Congratulations Sarah!! 

When asked what her experiences with Tabibu Africa taught her she stated: "(It) has taught me how much we can truly do with education and patience." The desire of the people we serve to learn about health and wellness is definitely inspiring, and as Sarah stated "always brings it back home" She went on to make a statement that I think really brings home Tabibu Africa's motto of little hands making big differences saying "I can't always give financially, but I don't always think that money makes the biggest difference. It is the time spent teaching, engaging, laughing, listening, learning, being present, and truly being involved in helping individuals or specific populations. We all have something to offer one another"

Yes, Sarah is completely correct! We all do have something to offer one another! Sarah truly is an inspiration and we are honored that she chose, and continues to choose to support Tabibu Africa Inc. We would be nothing without the support of donors like all of you and volunteers like Sarah!

Asante Sana rafikis for making Tabibu Africa's dream of "Little Hands Making Big Differences" a reality!  

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