Saturday, May 5, 2018

Little Hands Making Big Differences: Kay

Meet Kay!
She has been a volunteer with Tabibu Africa since we were founded in 2012! Since then she has grown into an absolutely beautifully strong woman, inside and out, with a very powerful story. After surviving 3 separate instances of sexual assault and rape and years of battling with the feelings those experiences brought about; she was able to harness her inner strength and use her pain to blossom. Her transformation from self-doubt and low self-esteem to an empowered woman who knew her strength and worth sparked a desire in her to help other girls and women know more about the fluidity of consent and that they are the masters of their own bodies. It is this spark that brought about a wonderful empowerment course that Tabibu Africa gives to girls and women during our expeditions. It is such an awakening experience to witness the girls open up throughout the course and to hear them yell at the top of their lungs that they are strong, they are powerful, they are worth it by the end of it. 

Kay was inspired to volunteer with Tabibu Africa because her mother inspired her, through her own work in Africa. Kay even remembers after her mother's first trip to Africa,upon her return, that she promised to take Kay with her next time, and she was true to her word. Now, volunteering together is a family affair! During the 2015 expedition the whole family joined us! Our President, Jody, is that same mother who inspired Kay to reach for the stars and believe in her dreams.

When asked what her volunteer work has taught her she replied that if she had to sum it up it has "taught me to love humanity unconditionally and that there is no boundary to the beautiful variances human culture can take. It also taught me that the more love you put out into the world you’ll get that love back ten-fold." She also stated that 
"Day to day I can’t help but think about all the girls I taught. All the girls I taught to say “no” and “I am a woman, and I am strong”. I think of that every time I need to remind myself to stay strong, because lord knows if they can believe that in themselves then so can I."

Kay is an excellent example of little hands making big differences in our world, and that no matter what you are beautiful, strong, and worth it. Empower yourself and you can empower the world.  

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