Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Healing - The Art of the Butterfly

Today is Learn about Butterflies Day! Did you know that it can take approximately 10-14 days for a caterpillar to transform into a butterfly, depending on the time of the year. During it's time in it's chrysalis it basically dissolves itself and recreates itself into a butterfly! How amazing is that! It's almost like a real life phoenix, recreating itself from it's own hypothetical ashes!

Healing can be a very painful process. Like the caterpillar, sometimes we have to tear ourselves apart a bit to put ourselves back together in a stronger, more beautiful, way. However, if we surround ourselves with supportive friends and family, like the chrysalis of a caterpillar, their love will give us the strength we need to heal through those difficult times. It's not easy but if you don't take the opportunity to grow, you may never see how truly beautiful your wings can be.  

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