Friday, March 23, 2018


Life gets away from us and it's so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day hustle and bustle that we forget to 'take time to stop and smell the roses'. It's hard to remember to be grateful for this moment, especially when the moment is not particularly pleasant- or maybe downright ugly... However, one good thing about happiness is that it can always be found, even if it's just a glimmer, a single sliver of light. Sometimes we have to dig deep...or sometimes we need someone else to pick up the shovel, so to speak, to help us find that glimmer. Each breath may not always come easy, but it comes, and that means each breath you take is a moment you are alive, a moment where you can make a difference. 

Life is not always going to be built on a 'happy foundation' but happiness can push through the cracks of any foundation, hard or soft. It's not always easy...but it is always changing and now is all we have...  

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