Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Empower. Educate. Grow. Repeat...

 Tabibu Africa's mission involves educating, empowering, and showing compassion to impoverished women and children of East Africa. We do this by providing clinics for basic health care, education regarding the truth about HIV/AIDS and other preventable diseases, training to improve self-confidence and self worth, small business training, and construction of schools and other needs.

Tabibu Africa utilizes a triad of medical clinics, education, and empowerment to better the lives of those we serve during every expedition. By providing wellness check-ups and basic medical care healthier children are able to focus in school and learn and grow to the best of their abilities. Children who learn more and are able to go further in life and truly reach their full potential. Children who have the opportunity to learn and grow can find their voices and stand up for what they believe in, and what they want in their lives. Education is empowering - especially for those young women and girls.

Tabibu Africa Inc assists the women and children of Eastern Africa with those three things - medical care, education, empowerment - but in return we get so much more....

To learn more about Tabibu Africa visit our website at  https://www.tabibuafrica.org/about_us

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