Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Peace and Friendship...

Thomas Jefferson died in 1826, yet still his words hold meaning in our ever changing world today... 

200 years have almost come and gone since Thomas Jefferson spoke these words. During this time the world has known wars, tragedy, fears, and sorrows. Yet humankind lives on and there have also been 200 years of banding together, supporting one another, helping however one can, and loving the world. These stories may not have been on the news...but they are all around. Let's focus on those as we travel this road together. 

Peace and Friendship can benefit every relationship we possess. Whether personal or business in nature, whether long-standing or transient; imagine if kindness and compassion ruled the playing floor in them all.

Tabibu Africa Inc strives to incorporate Friendship, Respect, Compassion, and a willingness to Understand in all of our actions. We may not always succeed, but that is the path we pursue. I'd like to think Mr. Jefferson would approve...

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