Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Be Independent, Be Bold, Be You!!

How many times in life have we started going along with the crowd and then gotten a little tug in our stomach or a twinge in our hearts? Do you stop and listen to your body when it gives you those signs? What is it trying to tell you? Most often than not it's a sign that you are engaging in or thinking of performing something that, ultimately, goes against the grain of your true self. 

It's not always easy to stop and take time to listen to those internal signs, or to stop and meditate on what they might be saying to us, but in the long run if we stop and listen we end up truly empowering ourselves and honoring our needs deep down to our cores. 

We must remember that like a drop in the ocean, our actions send ripples out into the world. What are your ripples sending out? Is it a chain reaction of good energy that coincides with your true self or is it a mixed message full of incongruities? 

Let's all support each other in being bold, being independent thinkers, and to stay true to you! 
Asante Sana Rafikis! 

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