Thursday, October 16, 2014

Food For Thought
We all know that education, shelter and a well-balanced, nutritious diet are critical to the health and well-being of children. Imagine sending your child to school with no breakfast and a slim hope that there will be something to eat for dinner when they return. Harsh thought, right?
Sadly, that’s the plight of many of our students. At our Little Giants School, we have often heard our Director speak about children who would literally starve to death if it weren’t for the 1 meal they are served each day during the school hours. Because we want to ensure our children have the proper nutrition that will help them with physical growth and cognitive and intellectual growth, we are excited to announce that we will be building a vertical vegetable garden at the Little Giants School! Students will help participate in the building of the garden and will learn how to grow tomatoes, carrots, peppers, onions, beans and more.  Imagine how proud they will be to pick and eat carrots they have grown themselves!
In addition to the vertical vegetable garden, we are hopeful to plant a few papaya and fig trees. Again, such a good learning experience as students will learn how to start a garden in a smaller space and how to ensure good crop growth.
The future is definitely bright at the Little Giants School! With these new projects, not only will be able to give our kids more nutritious meals, but we are excited to see boost in their self-esteem. There really is nothing quite like watching a child learn how to build something and reap the benefits of hard work—especially if it’s a juicy, red tomato!
We would love to have your help building our garden! Every dollar donated is used to help our humanitarian efforts—we do not use donated funds for administrative costs.  We’re volunteers—and proud ones at that!
Tabibu Africa—Little Hands Making a Big Difference!


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