Sunday, July 28, 2013

All Good Things Must Come to an End...

As our first expedition comes to a close, Tabibu Africa Inc has had a wonderful experience! Our first team bonded beautifully to became a tight knit team who provided care and  compassion, and who received twice as much in kind by the beautiful people of Kenya.
They started the month out working in Little Giants School, building another classroom and providing medical clinics and education. They then moved to the Candlelight Village to provide medical clinics and education to some of those who need it the most. Here they learned and grew so much, both as a team and individually. They will finish out the expedition in the Maasai Mara working hard with medical clinics and education and then to relax on a much deserved safari.

Jody, our fearless leader, was amazing, ensuring that everything went smoothly and that every team member was safe and happy. George headed up the construction with a steady hand and heart, guiding, mentoring, and pitching in wherever needed. AJ lived up to his name "Shujaa", meaning hero in Swahili. He helped with construction, being a runner in the clinic, playing with children, and sharing his compassionate heart. Kay provided assistance in the clinics, shared her smiles with all the children, and helped with all the education opportunities. Sarah was a gem in the clinic, sharing her expertise and knowledge and providing compassionate care. Elaine was a trooper! She worked hard in the clinics and on the construction sites, and shined like a star with her education sessions on how to make menstrual pads!  Brandon was as hard a worker as anyone-working hard building a school room all day, and still having enough energy to play with all the children. Let's not forget George, our in-country director, who worked hard all year to ensure our team had safe lodging and transportation as well as a great time in Kenya.

The stories I've heard from the team are inspiring. Wonderful experiences were had by all and Tabibu Africa has been blessed with excellent leadership as well as wonderful individuals to compose our first expedition. Stay tuned for pictures!!

Asante Sana everyone for all your love, prayers, and support. We are looking forward to our next expedition!

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