Sunday, July 28, 2013

All Good Things Must Come to an End...

As our first expedition comes to a close, Tabibu Africa Inc has had a wonderful experience! Our first team bonded beautifully to became a tight knit team who provided care and  compassion, and who received twice as much in kind by the beautiful people of Kenya.
They started the month out working in Little Giants School, building another classroom and providing medical clinics and education. They then moved to the Candlelight Village to provide medical clinics and education to some of those who need it the most. Here they learned and grew so much, both as a team and individually. They will finish out the expedition in the Maasai Mara working hard with medical clinics and education and then to relax on a much deserved safari.

Jody, our fearless leader, was amazing, ensuring that everything went smoothly and that every team member was safe and happy. George headed up the construction with a steady hand and heart, guiding, mentoring, and pitching in wherever needed. AJ lived up to his name "Shujaa", meaning hero in Swahili. He helped with construction, being a runner in the clinic, playing with children, and sharing his compassionate heart. Kay provided assistance in the clinics, shared her smiles with all the children, and helped with all the education opportunities. Sarah was a gem in the clinic, sharing her expertise and knowledge and providing compassionate care. Elaine was a trooper! She worked hard in the clinics and on the construction sites, and shined like a star with her education sessions on how to make menstrual pads!  Brandon was as hard a worker as anyone-working hard building a school room all day, and still having enough energy to play with all the children. Let's not forget George, our in-country director, who worked hard all year to ensure our team had safe lodging and transportation as well as a great time in Kenya.

The stories I've heard from the team are inspiring. Wonderful experiences were had by all and Tabibu Africa has been blessed with excellent leadership as well as wonderful individuals to compose our first expedition. Stay tuned for pictures!!

Asante Sana everyone for all your love, prayers, and support. We are looking forward to our next expedition!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Feeling the Journey

We at Tabibu Africa Inc are in full swing preparing for our maiden voyage. I love seeing the excitement in all the team members, and their enthusiasm to go volunteer is contagious.

I am Wima,  one of the founding members of Tabibu Africa. However, I won't be joining the team on this trip because I just gave birth to a beautiful daughter a few months ago. The closer it gets to take-off the more I wish I could go, just to feel Africa again. I say feel for a reason...most people want to see Africa...but the eyes, the mind, can be deceiving. I want to feel Africa. Feel it's heart beat. I want to feel the love, kindness, and courage of the people flow through the veins, and through me.
That is my wish for you my rafikis. As you journey to Africa enjoy with all your senses. Embrace Africa like it will embrace you! My heart is with you on this journey...

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Did you know that...?!?

  • Water, sanitation and hygiene has the potential to prevent at least 9.1% of the global disease burden and 6.3% of all deaths.
  • An estimated 2.5 billion people lack access to improved sanitation(more than 35% of the world's population)
  • An estimated 801,000 children younger than 5 years of age perish from diarrhea each year, mostly in developing countries. This amounts to 11% of the 7.6 million deaths of children under the age of five and means that about 2,200 children are dying every day as a result of diarrheal disease. 
  • Unsafe drinking water, inadequate availability of water for hygiene, and lack of access to sanitation together contribute to about 88% of deaths from diarrheal diseases.
  •  Improved water sources reduce diarrhea morbidity by 21%; improved sanitation reduces diarrhea morbidity by 37.5%; and the simple act of washing hands at critical times can reduce the number of diarrhea cases by as much as 35%. Improvement of drinking-water quality, such as point-of-use disinfection, would lead to a 45% reduction of diarrhea episodes. 
  • According to the World Health Organization and UNICEF, regions with the lowest coverage of 'improved' sanitation in 2006 were sub-Saharan Africa (31%), Southern Asia (33%), and Eastern Asia (65%). 
Read these and other water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) facts from the CDC's website at

One of Tabibu Africa Inc.'s goals is to provide education on these and other sanitation, hygiene and first aid issues to remote areas of Eastern Africa in an effort to reduce disease burden and morbidity. Education points such as appropriate hand hygiene, ways to ensure more sanitary water supply, how to obtain clean water, and basic first aid can help improve quality of life immensely.  By providing even just one small village with the means to obtain clean water and education on sanitary and hygiene issues we can save lives! It would only cost approximately $50 US Dollars to make this a reality. 

To see how to donate to this or one of the many other goals Tabibu Africa Inc. has visit our website at, and help us continue empowering the people of Eastern helping hand at a time. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Maiden Voyage!

As preparation for our maiden expedition kicks into high gear we at Tabibu Africa, Inc. are more excited then ever. However, we are also in dire need of a few more items to be donated!

 While in Kenya we will be at various sites in and around Nairobi before packing up and heading out to the Maasai Mara to work with the Maasai people. During this time we will be providing medical care as well as teaching the women how to make washable sanitary napkins and educating on hygiene and maturation. All of our volunteers are excited and ready to have an amazing experience as they meet and work with the wonderful people we have and have yet to meet.

In order to provide the best possible medical care and educational experience for the amazing people we will work for, and with,  we are in need of the following items:

  • Aspirin
  • Tylenol
  • Children's Vitamins
  • Sewing needles
  • Thread
  • Sew on snaps
  • Fabric (of any kind)
  • Cotton panties (of all shapes, sizes, and color)  
Tabibu Africa, Inc. is still in it's infancy but with all your love, support, prayers, and donations we are growing and thriving in love and can't wait to make our contribution to, and to continue learning from the people of Kenya and Eastern Africa.

Help us make our dreams at Tabibu Africa and reality. Help us to provide the best possible medical care and educational experience possible. To donate items you have a few options! If you are in the Salt Lake City area drop by office located at Bad Land Bow Hunters at 2927 S 2300 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84109. If you are in the Honolulu area contact email us at to schedule a pick-up. If you happen to be in any other location, again email us at or comment below to find out how to donate, because your donations are greatly appreciated!!

Thank you to all who have made this maiden voyage possible. We look forward to many, many more expeditions and only your support allows us to dream our dreams! We would be lost without the support of wonderful people like you! Asante Sana Rafikis!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Did you know...

According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) in partnership with WHO (World Health Organization) diarrheal diseases accounted for 7% of deaths in Kenya in 2006, making it number 3 in the top 10 causes for death in Kenya.

Gastrointestinal parasites, or worms, is a major cause of diarrhea in Eastern Africa. The main cause of parasites being contaminated water supply and inadequate education on hygiene and the spread of infection. Parasitic worms lead to dehydration, malnutrition, and even death.

Treatment for  gastrointestinal parasites or worms is simple. One dose of de-worm is often all it takes to cure an infection. However, due to lack of clean water supply, hygiene, and drought,  reinfection often occurs within weeks.

Tabibu Africa Inc. educates the individuals in villages of Eastern Africa on hygiene, how infections are spread, and techniques for obtaining clean water for drinking and first aid. Through our volunteer clinics we also offer the medication necessary to rid the patient of gastrointestinal worms.

Did you know? 
The treatment of and education on gastrointestinal parasites for one patient only costs approximately $1. Only $1(U.S.) Dollar! To donate to Tabibu Africa's efforts in alleviating the burden of diarrheal disease in Eastern Africa visit the donation section of our website (

Visit our website at for the most up to date information Tabibu Africa Inc. and to view numerous other ways to help!

Asante Sana Rafiki's (Thank you very much, friends)


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Little Giants may now take a seat!

During our upcoming 2013 expedition the volunteers of Tabibu Africa Inc. will volunteer their time and energy at a primary school located in Nairobi. While working at the Little Giants School we will be assisting with building a new classroom as well as providing education to the students on personal hygiene, maturation, and self empowerment.

We received an email from the dean of the school requesting funds for chairs and desks for their students. Prior to this donation students were learning all day on the floor, with nothing to write on. However, because of donations and support Tabibu Africa was able to provide desks and chairs for all the students! Talk about helping the children of the future!

Thank you for your support in our efforts to empower the impoverished of Eastern Africa. Check out our website at to find out more ways to donate and support Tabibu Africa Inc. 

Asante Sana Rafikis!! 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Meet Our Volunteers:Expedition 2013

Our Volunteers make all the difference in our efforts to provide care to the women and children of Eastern Africa. Meet our Volunteers for the up coming expedition in scheduled for July-August this year! 

Sarah: Paramedic
"I have always been drawn toward Africa and have wanted to go for as long as I can remember. I am so honored to be able to realize a dream and be able to serve those that are less fortunate than I. I am so blessed here in America and have much to be grateful for. I have my health, jobs (too many, I am sure!!) a roof over my head and a house to call home, full cubboards, a vehicle and an amazing support system of family and friends. I am reminded daily to be grateful for my health and the many gifts I have! What a wonderful opportunity to step outside my comfort zone and serve others so they may have medical treatment as well as a school to go to. I am looking forward to this opportunity and have no clue what to expect. I believe there will be lots of laughter, tears, hard work and moments of being awe struck. I believe the people of Africa will touch my heart and teach me lessons I never thought I would learn."

Elaine: Special Needs Instructor
"While growing up I was exposed to many different cultures through students staying with my family. I learned while there were many differences, people are people and everyone deserves respect. I also realized the many advantages I had being raised in the United States. I firmly believe in the power of the 'individual'; everyone is capable of making a difference and being a positive force."

Braden: Student
" I have always wanted to go to Africa and serve others. I like experiencing new cultures and environments."  

Asante Sana for time, effort, and support! We greatly appreciate you!