Friday, July 6, 2018

Embrace yourself, Embrace the world!

In order to embrace ourselves we must truly love ourselves, flaws and all! No one is perfect, no matter what the magazines, internet, or your brain may be telling you. So don't get caught up in the "negative qualities" about yourself. Instead embrace them! You are you and you are perfection, perfectly imperfect!

While embracing ourselves we can share our embrace with the world. Humans, animals, plants, and Mother Earth herself! By sharing compassion with everyone and everything we encounter we are spreading out ripples of positivity and change, for the better, into the world.

Humanitarianism is defined as the promotion of human welfare and social reform. Tabibu Africa Inc. strives to be a constant influence of positivity in the promotion of ALL humanity's welfare, at home and worldwide by advocating for social reform and trying to live by our mission in everything we do.

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