Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Tuesday Thoughts from the President

Tuesday Thoughts from the President of Tabibu Africa, Inc.

The word of the week this week is "peace". This small five letter word encompasses everything we strive for at Tabibu Africa, Inc. Peace, freedom from disturbance and chaos. Peace, to be surrounded with quiet and tranquility.

So much is happening, not just in our home country of the United States of America but also in the world. It’s so easy to get caught up and swept away by the negativity, atrocities, fear, and horror but I urge you to stop for a moment. Just stop, close your eyes, and take a deep breath. Put your hand on your chest. Feel your heartbeat. Feel your breath. Center yourself and find your own peace.

Did you know that if two or more people hold still long enough while holding hands a phenomenon called interpersonal synchronization occurs? Your breathing and heart rate slow or speed up to match those of the persons around you. Is this a trick? Is it coincidence? I believe interpersonal synchronization occurs because we all come from, and are made up of, energy and when we truly connect, whether physically or mentally, our energy flows through and communicates with other human energy. Because we are made up of energy we function best when we are connected; human connection.

Human connection. Energy doesn’t understand borders or obey rules of invisible lines, colors, races, or distance. Energy ebbs and flows according to the laws of nature. So in this time of extreme trial, change, and uncertainty, please stop. Slow down. Close your eyes, put your hand on your chest, and feel your heartbeat. Feel your breath. Slow down and know that you are a part of the miraculous energy of humanity and everything will come to balance. Protect your own peace in the meantime.

I would also like to take this time to make an official statement regarding our support of human life, compassion, and humanitarian aid. Tabibu Africa, Inc is an organization built on humanitarianism and we support all that embodies that term. The very definition of humanitarianism is “the promotion of human welfare” and it leaves no room for racism or discrimination in any form. Human connection is the very foundation of what we’ve built our organization on and we will never waiver.

So in this time of trial please know that we are with you. We will stand up beside you and will continue the work no matter how chaotic the world is around us. Little hands making big differences.

Asante sana,

Jody Mattena - President of Tabibu Africa, Inc.
“Tabibu” “Naretisho”

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