Wednesday, October 21, 2015

For whom does the bell toll?

It tolls for thee!! Little Giants Primary School in Riore, Kenya needs your help in order to make sure the school bells will be able to ring next fall! 

That’s right. Thanks to donors and supporters like you Little Giants has grown so much in the last 3 years, that there are too many students for the amount of rooms. Next year, without an upward expansion, the third grade students won't have classrooms to learn in!

Little Giants has been saving up to build a second level, but just doesn’t have enough to complete the project by the time the school bell rings. Here is where you can be the hero, yet again! Every dollar donated goes 100% to funding the Little Giants Building Project, and every dollar donated helps get us one brick closer to adding rooms. Building a safe haven for more and more students to learn, grow, and explore in.

Click HERE to learn more about how you can be a hero today! 

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