Sunday, March 8, 2015

International Women's Day, Our Place in History

Today, March 8, 2015 is International Women's Days, an international  day to rejoice the profitable, administrative and community triumphs of women across the globe. Tabibu Africa, would like to take this moment to thank and tip our hats to Margaret Kenyatta for the efforts of supporting the improvement of women's rights and health.

Margaret Kenyatta, Kenya’s First Lady has emerged as a true champion in the cause of free maternity services for women by the Government of Kenya.   Hopefully Kenya's grim maternal death rate may finally begin to fall.  Kenya is among the ten most dangerous countries for pregnant women with 6000 and 8000 women dying every year during childbirth. Currently the maternal mortality rate is 488 deaths per 100,000 live births.
Margaret’s drive and determination has put the spotlight on Kenya's efforts to reverse this tragic trend of maternal death.  In January 2014 Margaret’s,  Beyond Zero Campaign  raised awareness about the link between good health and a strong nation, specifically the importance of maternal, newborn and children's health. As part of the campaign, Margaret ran both a half and full marathon to stimulate support and rally resources. Her belief that, "no woman should die giving life" has resonated across the country and globally. There is great momentum in Kenya to end the terrible tragedy of women, infants and children dying needlessly. The First Lady of Kenya has kicked the ball towards ending maternal deaths and now the Governors must ensure that it is pushed through the goal posts.

For her innovative work, Mrs. Kenyatta was voted by the United Nations in Kenya as the UN person of the year in 2014, a well-deserved recognition for which Tabibu Africa congratulates her. It is remarkable that she has used her position as the First Lady of Kenya to tackle a critical human development issue and has demonstrated extraordinary initiative, integrity and courage to save the lives of women and children.

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