Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Little Hands Making Big Differences: Bishop Fred and Pastor Alice

Bishop Fred and Pastor Alice definitely embody letting the beauty of what they love be what they do. Their passion is cultivating young minds and souls by encouraging them to be the best them they can be, and they excel at it!
This power couple is the brains and muscles behind multiple operations, that we partner with to educate and empower budding hearts and minds in rural and urban Kenya alike. Their schools  include the following: Candlelight Primary and Secondary School located in Keyole, just outside Nairobi and Peak Community School and Peak Academy in Western Kenya, it is at this location where Tabibu Africa has helped to open a community library for use by both the students and community in general.
They teach valuable lessons both in school, and for life beyond schooling. Not only do they make general education more accessible to those who may not have had access otherwise, they also offer further vocational teaching to their graduates to encourage independence and success beyond graduation.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Happy Earth Day!

"If we cannot now end our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity"
- John F. Kennedy

Let's just take a moment to fill our hearts with gratitude towards our beautiful planet! Our planet itself is a very diverse place. From deserts to tundra to rain forests and everything in between - yet she exists in harmony. She takes good care of us, and here's to hoping we can pay it forward and take care of each other. 

John F Kennedy understood that understanding, and accepting, diversity is one of the first steps towards a higher level of equality. Our hope is that one day humankind can follow Earth's example and all live in harmony. Accepting each others differences and embracing the beauty of diversity, bringing greater equality and opportunity within reach.

What opportunities are your grateful today?  

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Take advantage of the 'Now'

How many times do we as adults take time to simply be? As children we did it in almost every moment of our life. Curiosity abounds- the clouds, the ants, the flowers, everything around us was a constant source of wonder and imagination.

Today, on "Look up at the Sky Day" we challenge you to tap back into that constant source of curiosity and wonder. Look up at the sky, become absorbed in the clouds, the flowers, the beautiful world all around that we are often too busy to enjoy.

Happy wondering Rafikis!

Friday, April 6, 2018

What is your body telling you?

Today marks World Health Day! The goal of World Health Day is to spread awareness of global health. Awareness is key to solving any concern or issue; and is vital in maintaining any ones health. Just as with anything in this wonderful life, if you aren't aware of the problem you can't even try to fix it!

Awareness is also the first step in improving resources available to even the furthest reaches of our planet. Everyone deserves the chance at lifelong good health! It's one of the many reasons Tabibu Africa is motivated to do the work we do, thanks to your support!

Including you! Yes you...let's kick off World Health Day by checking in with your own body- what is it telling you? Are you tired, hungry, aching, etc... Take some time today to take care of your body, since it's been spending your entire life taking care of you!

Take care of yourself today, to take care of the world tomorrow.