Friday, March 23, 2018


Life gets away from us and it's so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day hustle and bustle that we forget to 'take time to stop and smell the roses'. It's hard to remember to be grateful for this moment, especially when the moment is not particularly pleasant- or maybe downright ugly... However, one good thing about happiness is that it can always be found, even if it's just a glimmer, a single sliver of light. Sometimes we have to dig deep...or sometimes we need someone else to pick up the shovel, so to speak, to help us find that glimmer. Each breath may not always come easy, but it comes, and that means each breath you take is a moment you are alive, a moment where you can make a difference. 

Life is not always going to be built on a 'happy foundation' but happiness can push through the cracks of any foundation, hard or soft. It's not always easy...but it is always changing and now is all we have...  

Thursday, March 15, 2018


Aspen trees all share one intricate and interlocking root system. They are essentially all one organism, each tree a 'clone' of it's neighbors. As humans we too share an intricate genetic system, which ultimately connects us to each other on levels we cannot fathom.

Our roots are important. Our past is important, both recent and historical. However the roots aren't the only part of the tree... What about our branches, our leaves, our blossoms.
Our past, our present and our future make up who we've been, who we are, and who we are meant to be. All parts of a tree are necessary for a healthy plant, just as all our parts make us whole.

Learn from your past to nourish your roots and your tree will grow stronger and more beautiful than ever. Connect with everyone around you and become unstoppable.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Think back to a time when you received gratitude from someone. Remember that feeling? Now think of a time when you've expressed gratitude to someone. Remember that feeling? It's pretty similar, right? Both instances have the power to excite happiness, contentment, and fulfillment; to spread a sense of peace. 

Having an attitude of appreciation and the ability to give and receive gratitude freely has the power to change your life, as well as those around you. Imagine a world where we can all appreciate each other- our differences, our similarities, and everything in between. 

How can you spread some peace through appreciation today?

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Healing - The Art of the Butterfly

Today is Learn about Butterflies Day! Did you know that it can take approximately 10-14 days for a caterpillar to transform into a butterfly, depending on the time of the year. During it's time in it's chrysalis it basically dissolves itself and recreates itself into a butterfly! How amazing is that! It's almost like a real life phoenix, recreating itself from it's own hypothetical ashes!

Healing can be a very painful process. Like the caterpillar, sometimes we have to tear ourselves apart a bit to put ourselves back together in a stronger, more beautiful, way. However, if we surround ourselves with supportive friends and family, like the chrysalis of a caterpillar, their love will give us the strength we need to heal through those difficult times. It's not easy but if you don't take the opportunity to grow, you may never see how truly beautiful your wings can be.  

Friday, March 2, 2018


Diversity is defined as the condition of being diverse, or being composed of distinct or unlike elements or qualities. It's no secret that our planet is blessed with a multitude of peoples, cultures, landscapes, and ways of thinking. That's what makes our world, and humanity so rich!
Tabibu Africa's logo of the acacia tree made of many different sizes and colors of hands celebrates our diversity and it's beauty. All of our hands may come from different walks of life we are all capable of making a difference in our world!

After all...they say that variety is the spice of life, and we at Tabibu Africa couldn't agree more!