Sunday, September 17, 2017

Living whole, living well...

"Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life."
- Omar Khayyham

At Tabibu Africa Inc. one of our goals is to be able to assist the impoverished women and children of Eastern Africa to reach wellness goals- whether that be wellness of mind, body, or soul. We feel that true wellness is the balance of all three of these.

Physical health is paramount, especially when access to health care is scarce to a majority of the population. Education on basic first aid, hygiene practices, and accessing safe water supplies are three ways we help bolster physical health on our expeditions.  

An empowerment course for the girls and young women teach them their worth and encourage their minds and souls to reach for the stars - and to never settle for less than what they deserve. 

Wellness is a balancing act between physical, mental and emotional health. Gratitude and happiness have the power to tip the scales, and that zest for life is never in short supply in the people we've encountered on our expeditions. It is astronomical 

What are you happy for this moment? 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Learning to Surf...

When living in Hawaii I owned a surfboard and tried my hand at surfing. However I never got very good at it. You see, I did not attempt to learn to surf much as I was much more content sitting in the safety of the calm ocean past the surf breaks. I could not stop the waves, and sometimes they seemed continuous, but once you paddle out you have to learn a little bit because you can't stay on the ocean forever. 
Same is true in life. Life will give you ups and downs. There is no way to stop the ebb and flow of life while living, but we can learn how to alter our reaction to it. Learn to ride out the storms of life and enjoy the calm gentleness as well. If we can alter our attitude to be one of gratitude, for there is always something to be grateful for- even in the midst of hard times, the waves don't seem as bad.This is easier said than done to be sure, but just like with surfing, living takes a little practice. 

Today is 'Positive Thinking Day' 
How are your thoughts helping you learn to live?

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Do It Anyway

"It was never between you and them anyway" A potent reminder to stick true to your beliefs and moral values. This poem has always spoke strongly to me, continuously presenting itself to me when I need that powerful reminder.

Life isn't always easy, but it is always beautiful, and we can always make a difference in this world! 
"Little Hands Making Big Differences" one act of kindness at a time. 

How will you "Do it Anyway" today?